Research Questions and Methods
Outstanding questions we seek to address
How does the activity across the hippocampus lead to the formation of a new memory?
How do active dendritic signals participate in the formation of a new memory and shape memory representations throughout experience?
Are changes in synaptic strength the physical substrate of memory storage and what are the specific plasticity rules that are engaged during learning?
How does inhibition, neuromodulation and glial cell activity contribute to memory formation?
How do the above mechanisms contribute to memory recall?
How do neural circuits change as memories are altered following memory recall and which circuits modulate them?
How does time and experience effect the underlying neural circuitry of a memory (drift dynamics) and what controls these dynamics?
How do rewarding and aversive experiences influence memory representations and through which circuits?
How does the hippocampus, particularly the dentate gyrus (DG), separate similar experiences o form distinct memories?
Does the DG perform pattern separation in its conical inputs and if so under what conditions?
Research Methods We Employ
Behavior in immersive virtual reality worlds
DREADD technology for specific circuit manipulations (inhibition and excitation)
Computational modeling to further understand the neural data we collect, which generates new, testable hypotheses
A VR-Contextual fear conditioning (CFC) method developed in the lab to perform CFC in headfixed mice navigating virtual contexts
In vivo 2-photon functional imaging of large populations of neurons in CA1, CA3, and DG.
In vivo 2-photon functional imaging of dendrites, spines and axonal inputs from intra- and extra-hippocampal circuits such as contralateral CA3, VTA, LC, and thalamus.
1-photon optogenetic stimulation and inhibition of genetically defined neurons and circuits.
2-photon optogenetic stimulation and inhibition of experimenter defined neurons and dendrites