11/2023 - Mark attends and presents at the first ever workshop at the National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology (NITMB) in Chicago.
11/2023 - 7 lab members present posters at SFN in Washington!
11/2023 - YuHung’s paper published in eNeuro!
10/2023 - Heather’s paper published in Nature Communications!
10/2023 - Heather Ratigan successfully defends and becomes the 4th student to graduate with a PhD from the lab!
9/2023 - YuHung Chiu and Chad Hear both successfully defend their theses and graduate with PhDs!!!
3/2023 - Heather and Antoine present posters at COSYNE in Canada.
2/2023 - Mark gives a talk at the Winter Conference on Neural Plasticity (WCNP) in Los Cabos, Mexico
11/2022 - Seetha Krishnan and Chad Heer publish their work on reward expectation, place cells, and dopaminergic inputs from VTA in Nature Communications! The second publication from the lab.
11/2022 - Chad presents his work on imaging dopaminergic inputs from VTA and LC in dorsal CA1 of the hippocampus at SFN in San Diego.
10/2022 - Mark gives a talk at Utah’s Neuroscience Program Snowbird Symposium on Neural Plasticity: Synapses to Circuits to Behavior (Utah, USA).
8/2022 - Can Dong successfully defends her Ph. D. thesis! The first graduate from the Sheffield Lab, well done Dr. Dong!!!
8/2022 - Mark receives a BRAIN initiative R01 to study The role of neuromodulatory circuits in shaping contextual memories in the hippocampus.
7/2022 - Antoine presents his modeling work on BTSP and place field dynamics at the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) in Paris, France.
7/2022 - Mark gives a talk at Neurobiology of Cognition Gordon Research Conference 2022 (Maine, USA).
6/2022 - Mark gives a talk at AREADNE 2022 conference on Encoding and Decoding of Neural Ensembles (Santorini, Greece).
5/2022 - Mark interviewed on The Course Podcast about who he is outside of the lab and lecture halls, the path that led him to become a professor, and all the ups and downs along the way.
5/2022 - Mark receives an NIH R21 to study the encoding properties of bilateral CA3 inputs and their contribution to the formation and dynamics of CA1 spatial representations in novel environments
3/2022 - Mark gives a talk at the University of Maryland Neuroscience and Cognitive Science seminar series.
11/2021 - Can Dong and Seetha Krishnan present preliminary findings on their CFC project at SFN 2021.
10/2021 - Antoine Madar awarded an NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship! The first one for the lab.
07/2021 - Seetha Krishnan awarded a NIDA T-32 training grant!
05/2021 - Can Dong and Antoine Madar’s work published in Nature Communications! The first publication from the Lab.
01/2021 - Can Dong and Antoine Madar present their work at Cosyne 2021.
Summer 2021 Lab BBQ
12/2020 - Anqi successfully completed her doctoral qualifying exam!
09/2020 - Douglas Goodsmith joins the lab, welcome Doug!
05/2020 - Heather successfully completed her doctoral qualifying exam!
02/2020 - Mark’s research is highlighted by the University of Chicago press!
02/2020 - Seetha attends the Cosyne Conference in Denver, Colorado!
10/2019 - Chad is awarded the NIDA T-32 Training grant.
08/2019 - Seetha goes to Janelia Research Campus to attend a Suite2P workshop.
07/2019 - Anqi joins the lab!
05/2019 - Antoine goes to MBL to take a class on Machine Learning.
05/2019 - Chad has his first committee meeting.
04/2019 - Tommy joins the lab!
04/2019 - Heather joins the lab!
04/2019 - Can presents her first Student Talk.
04/2019 - Mark attends the Searle Scholars Program Symposium at Chicago.
02/2019 - Mark attends the Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium at UC Irvine.
Summer 2019 BBQ at Mark’s rooftop
Mark’s Birthday!
11/2018 - Seetha attends the The Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in Indianapolis.
10/2018 - Mark receives NIH funding: The New Innovator Award 2018.
09/2018 - Antoine Madar joins the lab as a postdoc! Welcome Antoine!
08/2018 - Madeline Klinger leaves to start her graduate career at UC Berkeley in their Neuroscience program. She will be hugely missed.
07/2018 - Chad Heer joins the lab as a graduate student!
06/2018 - Joe DiPietro leaves us to start a career with Nikon. Good luck Joe!
05/2018 - Seetha Krishnan joins the lab as a postdoc! Welcome Seetha!
04/2018 - Mark receives a 2018 Searle Scholars Award
02/2018 - Spotlight article published in TINS focused on Mark's recent Neuron paper!
02/2018 - UChicago press release about Sloan Fellowship and Sheffield Lab!
02/2018 - Mark is awarded a 2018 Sloan Fellowship!
02/2018 - Mark presents his work at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing as part of a workshop on Representation, Coding and Computation in Neural Circuits.
10/2017 - Mark's work from Dan Dombeck's lab is published in Neuron!
09/2017 - Can is selected for one of the Biological Science Division (BSD) 2nd year international student fellowships! Well done Can!
09/2017 - Mark joins the Committee on Neurobiology (CON) and the Committee on Computational Neuroscience (CNS)
09/2017 - Madeline Klinger joins the lab as a research tech!
09/2017 - Joseph DiPietro joins the lab as a postdoc!
07/2017 - Can Dong joins the lab!
05/2017 - Can Dong starts a rotation in the lab (CON)
05/2017 - Chery Cherian joins the lab as a research Tech!
04/2017 - Mark is awarded a Whitehall Foundation Grant!
04/2017 - Mark starts building the lab!
Rockefeller Chapel